

Chernihiv.IT is a community of Chernihiv-based companies with common values. We follow the path of market development through cooperation.


If your team wants to become a member of the IT cluster, know this:

  • Our programs, products, and projects have a local context, so this aspect can be partially relieved in internal processes or even received as a bonus by a participating company

  • We make our companies recognizable in Chernihiv, which is important for the labor market

  • We also make the Cluster and its activities recognizable throughout Ukraine, which is important in terms of the philosophy of cooperation

 If you are interested, please contact us:


Chernihiv IT Cluster is a community formed in 2017.

Today it unites 9 companies.


12 Preobrazhenskaya St.
+38 093 917 08 52


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