An intensive training program for students and others.
It is implemented during the vacation period to deepen knowledge in the IT field,
as well as networking, development, and self-improvement.
Read more about the training programs that have already taken place:
The webinars with the participation of Chernihiv.IT experts as part of the winter-spring PROSVITA training program are over. In case you missed something or want to refresh your knowledge, everything is freely available on our YouTube channel.
The world around us is changing, and adaptability is becoming a “must have” skill of our time.
Given the quarantine restrictions, Chernihiv IT Cluster held
summer program ProsvITa 2020 in an online format.
Every Thursday during July and August, specialists from our
companies shared their knowledge and experience with...
On June 24-27, 2019, the Chernihiv IT Cluster held a regular ProsvITa training program for students of the Chernihiv National Technical University. This time it was held in the format of thematic days: “Development Day”, ‘Project Management Day’, ‘Business Analysis Day’, ‘HR Day’. Each day was full of interesting and useful reports, cases, practices....
Зимова освітня програма “ProsvITa” для студентів ЧНТУ відбулася! Цього разу Кластер розширив коло спікерів і запросив до участі не тільки своїх учасників / ць. Сподіваємось зміцнювати такі зв’язки й надалі. А студентам бажаємо бути більш вмотивованими та активними, адже…
In July 2018, the Chernihiv IT Cluster in cooperation with [Chernihiv National Technical University] ( launched the ProsvITa training program. During the week, students had the opportunity to get acquainted with a wide range of IT industries and understand what the industry is like from the inside and what awaits them in the future when they start looking for a job...
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