Educational webinars for IT professionals are an opportunity to gain and deepen knowledge on various topics, hear practical cases, tips and other useful information from experienced

IT professionals on technology, career, personal development, and self-improvement.

Learn more about the events that have already taken place and watch their videos:


Chernihiv.IT Marketing CRASH COURSE

Recording of an online intensive on marketing appropriate during the war.

8 hours of useful content from the top companies of Chernihiv.IT.

Read more:


11 important webinars of the end of 2021 that you might have missed are now available!

It is a well-known fact that self-education is the best investment in yourself and your professional development. No global crisis can reduce your intellectual capital, and knowledge, as they say, cannot be carried around. The question is, when to do it? Where to go? Where and what to look for? 

Read more:


Chernihiv IT Cluster is a community formed in 2017.

Today it unites 9 companies.


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