How did the May Community Day: “Present Yourself in the Best Way” go?


Traditionally, on the last Tuesday of the month, we gathered as a community to learn something useful.

And this time we had a great opportunity to learn about the secrets and effective life hacks of self-presentation.


We thank the invited experts Yulia Zabolotna and Victoria Slutska from Your Communication for their informative and incredibly useful reports!


In particular, the first speaker shared the tips and lessons she has learned since she was 6 years old in the international Toastmasters community, as well as during her coaching. Together with the participants, she analyzed the most common mistakes and presented successful ways to learn public speaking. 


Victoria, for her part, explained the algorithm for avoiding pitfalls and unforeseen situations when delivering speeches. She also offered an original exercise so that everyone could practice it.


We are grateful to the audience for their trust, as we gathered a full hall of interested guests who communicated with the speakers in a constructive and friendly atmosphere long after the event.


Chernihiv IT Cluster is a community formed in 2017.

Today it unites 9 companies.


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